Sømandskirkens altermosaik
Tidligt om morgenen stod Jesus på strandbredden; disciplene vidste dog ikke, at det var Jesus.
Johannesevangeliet kapitel 21 vers 4
Sømandskirken afslørede den 4. september 2011 sin nye altermosaik. Altermosaikken er lavet af den anerkendte danske kunstner
Maja Lisa Engelhardt.
Altermosaikken tager udgangspunkt i Johannesevangeliet. Det er kort efter korsfæstelsen, og Jesus står genopstanden og lysende foran disciplene, men disciplene kan ikke kende ham. Der er ikke nogen handling i motivet, men kun en konstatering af disciplenes uvidenhed og det til trods for, at det er tredie gang, de ser den opstandne Kristus.
Det er en god tanke at have med sig når man sidder på kirkebænken og kigger på altermosaikken. At selv for disciplene, ja da var det ikke indlysende, hvem Kristus er, og hvad det betyder for os mennesker. Det er godt at tænke på, hvis man ikke er vant til at gå i kirke. Det gælder ikke om at være verdensmester i kirkegang eller vide mest om kristendom for at være med. Nej, det handler om at komme ind i fællesskabet, dér, hvor Kristus har lovet at være til stede, dér, hvor man får tid til at tænke over livets store spørgsmål og forhåbentlig får noget at vide, som man ikke bare kunne have sagt sig selv, noget, som kan udfordre både troen og intellektet. Og med sig ud ad kirken, ja, der får man den ro det giver, når man går ud i verden med Guds velsignelse.
Altermosaikken er blevet til virkelighed takket være generøse donationer fra rederiet J. Lauritsen, Edith og Gotfred Kirk Christiansens Fond og Augustinusfondet. En hjertelig tak fra hele menigheden for donationerne.

The alterpiece
“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.”
John chapter 21 verse 4
On the 4th of September 2011 The Danish Seamen's Church unveiled its new altarpiece. The alterpiece is created by the renowned Danish artist Maja Lisa Engelhardt.
The glass mosaic is based on the Gospel of John. The story goes like this: It is shortly after the crucifixion, and Jesus is standing resurrected and glowing in front of the disciples but the disciples could not recognize him. There is no action in the scene, but only a statement of the disciples' ignorance, despite the fact that it is the third time they see the risen Christ.
This is a an interesting notion to think of when you are sitting in the church looking up at the altar mosaic. That even for the disciples, it wasn’t obvious who Christ was and is and what it means for us humans. This is a comforting thought if you are not a regular in church. It’s not about being a world champion church-goer or knowing the most about Christianity in order for you to be a part of the church and enjoying your time there. No, it's about being a part of the community, where Christ has promised to be present, where you are allowed to ponder life's big questions and hopefully learn something that you yourself couldn’t just have figured out, something to challenge both the faith and the intellect. And with you as you leave the church you’ll get the peace that follows the blessing of God.
The creation and installation of the alter mosaic has been made possible by the generous donations of the shipping company J. Lauritzen, Edith and Geoffrey Kirk Christiansen Foundation and the Augustinus Foundation.
A heartfelt thank you from the entire congregation for these donations.