Find kirken
Find Sømandskirken på Google Maps! SubwayLinierne 2 og 3 kører til Clark Street. ParkeringPå hverdage kan det være svært at parkere i Brooklyn Heights. I nærheden af kirken er der følgende parkeringshuse:
BådMan kan sejle næsten helt til kirken. East River Ferry sejler fra Wall St til Brooklyn Bridge Park og op langs East River til Willamsburg, Greenpoint og til East 34 St, Manhattan. Hvis man ønsker at komme til kirken skal man stå af ved Brooklyn Bridge Park og gå 500 m. til Brooklyn Heights. På denne tur kan man få et flot udsyn over Manhattan Skyline.
DirectionsBy subwayLines 2 and 3 run to Clark Street. ParkingOn weekdays it can be difficult to park in Brooklyn Heights. Near the church you’ll find the following car parks:
By boatYou can sail almost all the way to the church. East River Ferry sails from Wall Street to Brooklyn Bridge Park and along the East River to Willamsburg, Greenpoint and East 34 Street, Manhattan. If you wish to arrive at the church you should get off at Brooklyn Bridge Park and walk 500 meters to Brooklyn Heights. During this strool you will get an excellent view of the Manhattan skyline. |
Generel kontakt
Den Danske Sømandskirke
102 Willow Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Telefon: +1-718-875-0042